Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tips for Clothing (Chinese ver.)


【 脸型、发型 和 帽子 】 美国50年代教女性穿衣打扮的书里的插图。这是一组各种脸型所适合的发型及帽子的建议。 虽然现在人早就不习惯把发型弄的那么一丝不苟,更不要说这些奇形怪状的帽子了, 但是这张图还是很有参考价值的~ 
【怎么穿,显腿长?】1.我一直鼓励姑娘们穿衬衫+裤子时,把衬衫下摆塞进裤子的腰头里。这样看起来不仅精神,而且还显下半身修长、显腿长。2.穿T恤+牛仔裤 时,可以把T恤的下摆塞进一点到腰头里,形成一个大斜线,而斜线有显瘦的效果!这样穿有些胯部大的姑娘,不仅不会暴露缺点,还能显腿长!
"【怎么穿,显腿长?】1.我一直鼓励姑娘们穿衬衫+裤子时,把衬衫下摆塞进裤子的腰头里。这样看起来不仅精神,而且还显下半身修长、显腿长。2.穿T恤+牛仔裤 时,可以把T恤的下摆塞进一点到腰头里,形成一个大斜线,而斜线有显瘦的效果!这样穿有些胯部大的姑娘,不仅不会暴露缺点,还能显腿长!"


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Things You Can Do With Nail Polish

Source: ChaCha

Nail polish pantyhose

Stop Runs

If you often have to wear pantyhose or tights, carry a bottle of clear nail polish with you. If you get a run in your stockings, simply dab a bit of the polish at each end of the run and it should stop it from spreading any further.

Nail polish key

Color Coded Keys

Do you have a lot of keys on your keychain? Is it hard to quickly find the one you need? Simply paint the top of each one with a different color of nail polish and you can find the right key in a flash! You can also use this trick for other items you may find it useful to color code.

Nail polish costume jewelry

Protect Jewelry

Do you have a lot of cheap costume jewelry that keeps turning your skin green? Protect the jewelry and your skin by coating all of it in a layer of clear nail polish so it doesn't tarnish.

Nail polish car scratch

Cover Car Scratches

If you get a very minor scratch in your car, don't bother spending tons of money getting it fixed at the repair shop. Just get a matching color of nail polish and carefully paint over it. It works because they are closer to being made of the same stuff than you might think!

Nail polish bobby pins

Colored Bobby Pins

Why spend a bunch of money on hair accessories when you can simply spice up the ones you already have? Just paint your favorite nail polish colors onto some bobby pins or other hair pins and you have an interesting new look!

Nail polish thread needle

Thread a Needle

Are you tired of spending forever trying to thread a needle? Stop licking that thread over and over and instead dip the end in some clear nail polish and let it dry and it will be a snap to thread the needle!

Nail polish shoe scuffs

Fix Scuffs

Cover up minor scuffs on your shoes with a matching color of nail polish and no one will be the wiser! You could also get fun with it and color the bottom of your high heels a fun color to make a sort of knock off Louboutin style.

Nail polish shoelaces

Stop Unraveling

Do you have shoelaces that are fraying at the ends? Don't burn them to stop the fraying, simply dip the ends in some clear nail polish, or some colored nail polish to make it more fun! You can even use nail polish to turn any ribbon you want into DIY shoelaces as shown.

Nail polish liquid bandage

Liquid Band-Aid

Don't waste money on a bottle of liquid bandage, something you will probably rarely use anyway. Instead, just use a coating of clear nail polish on the occasional times you need the product since they are basically the same thing anyway!

Nail polish iPhone Case

Custom iPhone Case

Make a cheap custom iPhone case with nail polish! Simply buy a clear case for a few bucks or repurpose an old one you don't want anymore and use nail polish to create whatever design you want. Either go freestyle or create or use a stencil for a more polished look.

Nail polish envelope

Seal an Envelope

Never lick another envelope again. Just seal it with a little clear nail polish instead!

Wood Table

Fix Wood Furniture

If you have a piece of wooden furniture that has a small chip in the varnish, you can repair it with a tiny drop of clear nail polish. Also, if there is more damage to the wood such as splintering that is snagging your clothes, you can apply a coat or two of clear nail polish and it should stop the snagging.

Full List here

Friday, September 5, 2014

Simple Ways To Be More Attractive

Source: ChaCha

Happy woman smiling

Put a Smile on Your Face

Woman cutting a man's hair

Keep Your Hair in Tip-Top Shape

it's important to get regular haircuts, Keep it clean, Keep it tidy

Black and white photo of a woman on a bridge

Wear Clothes That Fit

Avoid oversized, baggy clothing, and also steer clear of items that are too tight. If the issue is your weight, you can instantly look 10+ pounds lighter just by choosing clothes that really fit your body.

Make Eye Contact

Walk with Confidence

Woman spraying on perfume

Make Yourself Smell Good

Giving off a pleasant scent is pretty simple to do: 
  • Shower or bathe every day. 
  • Use deodorant, and reapply throughout the day if necessary. 
  • Wear perfume or cologne, in moderation. 
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. 
  • Carry breath mints or gum to fight bad breath. 
  • See a doctor if you have issues with gas.


Woman crossing her arms on purple background

Body Language

Sometimes, what it comes down to is body language. If you have your arms crossed, are busy looking at your phone, or you're facing away from people, they won't take the time to approach you. They most likely will assume that you don't want to be bothered.

Instead, uncross those arms and legs and turn to face other people in the room. Then, everyone will know that you're interested in being social, and someone will eventually make a move.

Full List here

Ways to Speed Up Your Beauty Routine

Source: ChaCha

Organized Makeup

Get Organized

Try some sort of drawer or open case or shelf where you can see everything you might need all in one glance.

BB Cream

Multi-Purpose Products

Some perfect examples are BB cream, which combines many products into one awesome cream, usually moisurizer, sunscreen, foundation and concealer. Other products can be used on lips, cheeks and eyes such as The Multiple by NARS or many other cheaper but possibly inferior brands.

Woman looking for clothes

Prep The Night Before

If you are constantly short for time in the morning, do as much prep the night before as possible. At least choose the next day's outfit, including shoes. Consider changing to nighttime showering instead of morning showering to save loads of time. You can even use this to your advantage hair wise by creating a perfect wavy look overnight by putting your hair in two low buns sprayed with texturizing spray. Simply shake out in the morning and go!

Dry Shampoo

Dry Shampoo

If you often wake up with barely enough time to get ready, much less shower, yet your hair is an oily mess, reach for a can of dry shampoo. It will be your saviour! A few sprays on the roots, shake it out and your hair looks almost like you actually took the time to shower.

Red lipstick

Go Red

If you literally only have about a minute to choose one piece of makeup to put on, pick some red lipstick. It has been proven to make you look more awake and younger, which is definitely what you need if you overslept and feel ragged.

Woman with towel on head

Microfiber Towel

Try this trick. Get a microfiber towel and wrap your wet hair in it while you do your makeup. By the time you are done, your hair should be much dryer than it would have been with a regular towel, saving you a bunch of time!

Woman doing makeup

Choose Long Lasting

Whenever you can, always choose long lasting makeup. It won't necessarily save you time in the morning, but it will save you time throughout the day because you won't have to constantly reapply your makeup as it wears off. Some makeup even lasts all day so you won't even have to redo it if you go out that night!


Quick Hairstyles

You should have a few quick and easy yet classy hairstyles practiced and ready to do in an instant for those mornings that you just don't have the time for anything more extravagant. Some good choices are a braid, a ponytail or a top knot.

Smokey Eye
Shortcut To Smokey Eye
Do you love the smokey eye look but don't have the time to do it every morning? Good news! You can approximate the look in a fraction of the time. Simply line the rims of both your upper and lower lids with a black eyeliner pencil and then smudge with a Q-tip all around.

Full Lists at here

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Elianto Nail Polish

因为Face Shop的现在小小又贵了
: : :The Face Shop vs Elianto

ELIANTO: http://elianto.biz/nail-care
有RM6.00/ RM12.00等

About Lips


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
The Body Shop Born Lippy 西瓜味润唇膏。这个是绵羊油做的润唇膏。因为这个修护功能非常好,我通常都是化妆前放一层厚厚的这个,等到画到唇妆的时候擦掉就会带掉所有的死皮。已经是第4罐了,总之是便宜又好用的好东西,建议入手!! http://www.douban.com/photos/photo/1673644568/#image
"The Body Shop Born Lippy 西瓜味润唇膏。这个是绵羊油做的润唇膏。因为这个修护功能非常好,我通常都是化妆前放一层厚厚的这个,等到画到唇妆的时候擦掉就会带掉所有的死皮。"
Price: RM19.90 

Shop - Watsons (Makeup)

Maybelline Master Liner Bw As
Price:  RM15.90

Mayb Master Brow Liner BR
Price: RM15.90

ColorStay® Eyebrow Liner Dark Brown
Price: RM38.90

Price: RM11.90

Things To Try

- Cooking
- yoga
- dancing
- bakery
- go be a volunteer (animal shelter, orphanage house blabla)
- take pic of everything in 1 day
- go SG
- watch a midnight show
- play at a beach or water park


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